Thank you for your interest in the St. Mary’s Episcopal Church on-line giving program. Your contributions made through this program help to sustain and support the mission of the church. For your convenience, these recurring or one-time contributions will be transferred from your checking, savings, or credit card account directly to the church. And though you are a participant in the program, you are still free to make other contributions and place them in the weekly collection plate.

 On-line Gift & Thank Offering Donation
This online enrollment form will present you the option of designating funds to be donated to multiple categories. If you elect to choose this option, please be aware that initially it will only allow you to choose to make these donations for the same frequency; that is one-time, weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually.
Click Here to donate a gift or thank you offering online.

On-line Pledge
This online form offers you the opportunity to submit your pledge online. If you elect to choose this option, please be aware that your pledge amount will be transferred from your chosen payment option directly to the church starting on the day you indicate and at the frequency you chose.
Click here to submit your on-line pledge.

If you have any questions regarding your on-line contribution or pledge, please contact us directly at (609) 386-0902, e-mail us at or by mail at:

St. Mary’s Episcopal Church
Attn. Financial Secretary
145 W. Broad St
Burlington, NJ 08016

Thank you for your generosity!